We Are Sheep Among Wolves

Photo by patrice schoefolt on Pexels.com

The other night I had a dream of a wolf that looked pretty much like the wolves in the photo above. The wolf was carrying a rolled-up scroll in its mouth. When I woke I wondered what that meant. Usually, a scroll is a message or proclamation. It almost looked like a newspaper. I turned onto today’s page in my devotional and read how Jesus sent out his disciples “like sheep among wolves“. The message on the page today is about having discernment when it comes to other people.

We often can be caught off guard if we don’t use discernment. Sometimes the closest people around us can be those who walk in deception. Sheep tend to follow but they usually follow in flocks or groups. We can learn from them! There is safety in numbers. It’s not good to be alone, although alone time is sometimes warranted. For me, alone time has been about going through the grief process but there is always a time to come out of the cave even stronger than before!

You might have been a lone sheep lately or even for a time. The main thing to remember when going back out into the world is to carry spiritual discernment and go with your gut instinct about others. We live in a very hard world these days and it seems it is getting harder by the day. Don’t worry, you are prepared! Remember as you go forward to find your tribe and stick with that group. I know it is very hard to trust again after trust has been bruised and broken but you have been made strong in your cacoon God gave you to grow and transform in.

Be aware and always awake when venturing out, but don’t be afraid or life will not unfold as it is supposed to for you. Do not allow fear to drive for you! The “wolves” will sense fear. Stand tall, supported, and strong. You were made for such a time as this, so excel in it! Recognize there are seasons in life and this is yet a new one. For every season there has been a lesson or will be one. Remember the lesson you learned in your cacoon. You are stronger than you think and much wiser now that you have gone through a process of being alone in your grief, sorrow, transformation, or growth.

Have fun with life. It is not all serious! You can do this, I promise. Allow your instincts to lead you to the greener pastures and remember the promised land is always fertile and safe. God made it that way for you. So trust it. Just don’t trust everyone approaching you in it. The wolves in life can be deceiving. Love, but don’t be fooled. Enjoy, but keep aware. Remember where you came from and the desolation that brought you there. You will be fine. Stand tall, straighten your crown, and move onward!

Loving you from here,

Dr. Rev. Jenine Marie Howry

Published by Dr.JenineMarie

Reiki Master Healer/Instructor, Metaphysical Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Counselor, Author, and owner of Jenine Marie Coaching and Ministries LLC DBA Life Lessons by Jenine Marie, DBA Jenine Marie Hypnosis

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