Every Day I Pray…

Photo by Oleksandr P on Pexels.com

Every day, I say a prayer,

God bless people everywhere,

To heal our world and make it whole,

And pass on healing to every soul.

Every day, I pray for light,

And our hearts will understand what’s right.

May we bless each dream with promise,

That God will shed great dreams upon us.

And when we rise to face the dawn,

We will collectively also rise as One!

Loving you from here,

Dr. Rev. Jenine Marie Howry

copyright 4/2024

You can also find me at JenineMarieHypnosis.com

Published by Dr.JenineMarie

Reiki Master Healer/Instructor, Metaphysical Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Counselor, Author, and owner of Jenine Marie Coaching and Ministries LLC DBA Life Lessons by Jenine Marie, DBA Jenine Marie Hypnosis

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