One Day You Will Be Remembered

Photo by Lisa Fotios on

We all have an expiration date. It seems kind of sad but it is a part of life. We come here to the planet in a body and one day we will leave our bodies and loved ones behind. It happens to each of us, just some will leave sooner than others. Our timeline is unknown to us when we come here, but it’s a guarantee we will leave this place called Earth one day.

Our society makes this a sad thing and somehow it kind of is sad. We grieve deeply when someone we have loved dearly suddenly departs even if it is evident. We miss the love and experiences between us only being left behind with memories or laughter together and tears.

Just as much as we grieve others, there will come a day when others will grieve us or miss us. We will be “remembered” and those whose lives we touched while here will speak of us either fondly or not. We don’t have much control over the time we leave our bodies and this life on the planet but we do have control over how we are remembered. It’s all about choice.

I wonder; do you want to be remembered fondly, as someone who was caring, respectful, and loving while here? Or, do you want to be remembered as the opposite, cold, cruel, controlling, or spiteful? Believe me, those in spiritual spaces already know you well, especially God. No one gets past the spiritual snooper’s patrol! I know it sounds pretty creepy but our deeds, good or not, are known openly. We hide nothing.

So, I ask you, “How do you desire to be remembered?” You might as well decide now because there will be a day when those you interact with will remember you. For some reason, those who we leave behind will forgive our misconduct or misunderstandings because they are sad to see us go, but Universal eyes are always watching and listening. Do you want to be seen as a kind person? Then for heaven’s sake, be kind. When you lay your head down to sleep at night, do you go over the way you behaved during the day and assess if that is the type of behavior you want to present to the world around you?

I know this question can be quite convicting and it should be. We go through life doing “secret” things like we are some sort of secret agent. Admit it! We all do this! We are not hidden from view by any means. Even if your choice is to lie about something you are not kidding anyone but yourself so you might as well just tell the honest truth. When you tell the truth, do it graciously because your attitude will attract more of what you put out right back to you. If a grouchy, unkind, lying, or deceptive person is what you decide you want to be then you might as well duck because the whole Universe is watching and will send you a cannonball one day.

I am saying all of this to make you think. How do you want to be remembered? Be genuine, please. Your intentions won’t fool those who are watching either here on earth or in spirit. God placed guardians over us all. Do you ever connect with yours? You might learn something you really need to know. Take a long look at your life. What could you have done better and change it while there is time! Be remembered in the highest esteem, in heavenly places. Love will guide you if you ask!

Loving you from here,

Dr. Rev. Jenine Marie Howry

Follow my YouTube @jeninemarie

Published by Dr.JenineMarie

Reiki Master Healer/Instructor, Metaphysical Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Counselor, Author, and owner of Jenine Marie Coaching and Ministries LLC DBA Life Lessons by Jenine Marie, DBA Jenine Marie Hypnosis

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