When Suffering Comes

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics on Pexels.com

Even when we are as positive as we possibly can be, times of trial and suffering will come. Usually, it is due to a life lesson or a re-take because of a mistake. Sometimes it is a fallout from other people and our concerns about them. Often I look at myself in the mirror and ask, “Who wrote this script anyway?” Um, well, I guess I can credit myself for that one. Sometimes life events simply seem to go too slowly, but all in good time we do rise again. Take heart on this one.

I guess the huge question here is what to do in the meantime? You know, when the suffering seems to become unbearable and the heartache brings us to our knees. Sometimes it’s hard to “take heart” but joy does in fact come in the morning. Can we agree, often the morning comes after the longest night ever spent? This world tends to beg our grief into depression and sorrow. Even looking on the bright side, we can not escape the inevitable trial. So, the question is, do we handle it with faith or failure? Honestly, sometimes having faith has been just as hard. That’s when I “borrow” someone else’s faith. What a lovely thought, right? Borrowing faith from others can strengthen me and honestly, it is such a gift of love to extend one’s faith and prayer to another. I believe the ability to continue on has often come for me after someone extends their faith and prayers when I ask for them.

Another way of coping is understanding the spiritual company we keep. I like to think of the Apostle Paul when I consider someone’s suffering and strength even to the very end. Not even Paul was without his sorrow. He told his fellow believers that often he and other missionaries suffered even their own lives. What he meant was there were times he and others wished they were not even in this body or world. Yet, what pressed Paul and others onward was the “prize” at the end of their endurance. The saying, “Whatever does not kill us makes us stronger” is very true. The afterglow of one who perseveres to the end is beyond comparison.

Perseverance is like exercising a muscle all through the trials and heartaches, later discovering the heavy lifting in life becomes so much easier now that muscles have been worked, strengthened, and toned. After coming through the worst “hells” in life it seems like life becomes lighter, brighter, and more promising.

I believe wholly in positive thinking and affirmation. I believe we attract what we put out there in the Universe. Yet, I also know the choices we make might include others who do not make life easy for us. Count it all a gift when someone difficult comes into your life. I know it does not seem like it at the time but later you will see if you keep on moving forward every day you will reap the benefits of one who has endured, persevered, and overcome. Your life will rise and rise again! You will definitely not make the same mistakes again. Your positivity will become more positive and your faith will be one you can lend to others.

If your heart is discouraged, take some of my faith for the moment. This too shall pass. Another season will open up for you if you keep on walking forward and onward. When the suffering comes, and often it will, allow your heart to be broken open instead of broken and hard. The message of an open heart will reach up into the “heavens”. Your soul speak will be heard. Your heart will be lightened and you will be sharpened. Know this one moment or season in time will change, just like the seasons of this world. When you have watered your heart with many tears, have faith that winter will be over soon and spring is always on its way!

Loving you from here,

Dr. Rev. Jenine Marie Howry

Published by Dr.JenineMarie

Reiki Master Healer/Instructor, Metaphysical Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Counselor, Author, and owner of Jenine Marie Coaching and Ministries LLC DBA Life Lessons by Jenine Marie, DBA Jenine Marie Hypnosis

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