Your Destiny is Calling

Sometimes it is hard to see the upcoming plans created for you when the clouds seem dark and threatening. Taking a peek from a higher perspective is often what we all need, or maybe even a more vast vision. Have you ever peeked way out over the ocean to see the edge of the horizon and wondered what might be waiting on the other end of the vast waters?

Life is like the ocean. Sometimes it can seem choppy and angry and others beautifully bright as a sunset or sunrise. When the muddy waters cloud your vision, ask for more depth of insight. The ability to see into a situation comes with practice and faith but over time you will come to understand the hints when the clouds of life are about to break open to give you a fresh new vision.

None of us like hard things or hard times. Yet, without them, none of us would grow into stronger more faith-filled people. When times become rough, and they will, remember you are being prepared for great things! It might not feel that way at the moment but soon you will see that hard ground is watered and will be ready to work as fertile soil again after the rains soften the ground once more. Think of hard ground as your internal heart and the water as God’s way of loving you to wholeness again.

You WILL overcome whatever you are going through with faith that is stronger and love that is more beautiful than ever before. Your heart will heal if you allow it to be broken open instead of hardened. Keep your destiny in front of your vision even if you don’t completely know what it might be. Keep your vision above the ground floor and your sights on the signs along the way. You will see with great vision if you keep your spiritual eyes open.

Loving you from here,

Dr. Rev. Jenine Marie Howry

Published by Dr.JenineMarie

Reiki Master Healer/Instructor, Metaphysical Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Counselor, Author, and owner of Jenine Marie Coaching and Ministries LLC DBA Life Lessons by Jenine Marie, DBA Jenine Marie Hypnosis

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