Morning Affirmation

Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on


“In the quiet and stillness of a winter morning, I find peace in my mind and in my heart. My spirit is glowing with new and growing possibilities. I am in my element in light and in darkness; in winter and in spring.

Fresh ideas flow into my mind as I dream of days to come. In the depth of my dream, I see myself healthy, whole, and thriving. My heart is overcome with joy to fill my day. As I seek to be the greatest expression of love my heart can render.


Loving you from here,

Dr. Rev. Jenine Marie

Glorious Dawn: The Opening Lotus of Love!

Come visit my website and discover your possibilities!

Published by Dr.JenineMarie

Reiki Master Healer/Instructor, Metaphysical Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Counselor, Author, and owner of Jenine Marie Coaching and Ministries LLC DBA Life Lessons by Jenine Marie, DBA Jenine Marie Hypnosis

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