Morning Affirmation

Affirmation: “In the quiet and stillness of a winter morning, I find peace in my mind and in my heart. My spirit is glowing with new and growing possibilities. I am in my element in light and in darkness; in winter and in spring. Fresh ideas flow into my mind as I dream of daysContinue reading “Morning Affirmation”

The BEST Love Attractor! Glorious Dawn: The Opening Lotus of Love Morning Meditation Video!

Well Hello! It just so happens as I went through some boxes containing treasures from the past, I came across my production of a morning meditation called “Glorious Dawn: The Opening Lotus of Love Morning Meditation”! I am so pleased to present the morning meditation to you on my YouTube channel along with a fewContinue reading “The BEST Love Attractor! Glorious Dawn: The Opening Lotus of Love Morning Meditation Video!”

When You are Most Suggestable

Arising in the morning is a very sacred time, and I will tell you why. It is the most suggestable time of the day. Your very first 5 – 10 minutes upon waking are exactly like a hypnotic state. This is the time when your unconscious mind is still very active and suggestibility is veryContinue reading “When You are Most Suggestable”