Diets Do NOT Work

I know there are many who would beg to differ when they read the title of this blog. If you keep reading you will understand my conclusion a lot better. As people, we are obsessed with the word “diet”. Rarely does it ever mean our nutritional habits but we have come to associate the wordContinue reading “Diets Do NOT Work”

Reiki Protection: Using the Reiki Energy Shield

As a Reiki Practitioner or Reiki Master you will always want to protect your energy field. We are bombarded with so much negativity every day and as those who use Life Force Energy for healing, we always want to make sure we protect ourselves from negative influences. Protection of your energy can be accomplished veryContinue reading “Reiki Protection: Using the Reiki Energy Shield”

Manifesting Meditation and Projecting into Your Second Chakra

Manifesting is not hard but can often become confusing and frustrating when we are not getting the results we really want in life. Everyone, I mean everyone can do this! We can consciously create with our God/Source in life any time we desire! When you are stuck, you can use projection meditation and manifestation methodsContinue reading “Manifesting Meditation and Projecting into Your Second Chakra”

Projection Meditation for Manifesting

Nothing feels as good as getting exactly what you want in life. I remember when I was a little girl I wanted a little kitten so much. I kept the vision of a kitten in my mind, my heart space, and in my life view all of the time. My mother continually said, “No, weContinue reading “Projection Meditation for Manifesting”

Five Reiki Principles Teaching Broken Down

Mikao Usui believed if we meditate daily on the five principles of Reiki we would achieve enlightenment or awakening. Initially, Reiki looked very different than it does today. There was more focus on spirituality than hands-on healing. Meditation was a very important part of Reiki life in Usui’s clinic/school. Still, since the inception of ReikiContinue reading “Five Reiki Principles Teaching Broken Down”

Are You Curious About Kundalini Meditation? In Search of Kundalini Magic!

“Kundalini” is a Sanskrit word that means “coiled” and holds its residence in the area at the base of the spine called the root chakra.

Honoring Your Body, Breath, and Life Meditation Video/Audio

Every now and then life tends to get us down. We become tense, irritable, and even irrational. Instead of breaking apart, or even if we do, we should take the time to be grateful. Honor is a very special word when it comes to our human life. We are all a treasure. YOU are aContinue reading “Honoring Your Body, Breath, and Life Meditation Video/Audio”

The BEST Love Attractor! Glorious Dawn: The Opening Lotus of Love Morning Meditation Video!

Well Hello! It just so happens as I went through some boxes containing treasures from the past, I came across my production of a morning meditation called “Glorious Dawn: The Opening Lotus of Love Morning Meditation”! I am so pleased to present the morning meditation to you on my YouTube channel along with a fewContinue reading “The BEST Love Attractor! Glorious Dawn: The Opening Lotus of Love Morning Meditation Video!”