Diets Do NOT Work

I know there are many who would beg to differ when they read the title of this blog. If you keep reading you will understand my conclusion a lot better. As people, we are obsessed with the word “diet”. Rarely does it ever mean our nutritional habits but we have come to associate the wordContinue reading “Diets Do NOT Work”

Hypnosis Sessions

Along with energy healing, I have begun to take my clients (or potential clients) through hypnosis. I provide two types of hypnosis- suggestive and past life regression. Suggestive hypnosis works when someone wants to change a behavior or facet of their life, such as stopping smoking, drinking, losing weight, etc. It works for many differentContinue reading “Hypnosis Sessions”

The Significance of Lilacs in Healing and Guidance

Not only are lilacs incredibily beautiful, they have a healing and spiritual significance. The very sight of lilacs everywhere can mean that love is in the air! Lilacs are a very loving and romantic presence. Dreams of love past and present come into view when lilacs are in the picture. Interestingly, lilacs can also beContinue reading “The Significance of Lilacs in Healing and Guidance”

Hear My Reiki and Empath Experience Interview With Podcast “All That is Empath”

Recently Darlene DelCastillo from the “All That is Empath” Podcast interviewed me regarding Reiki practice and how it can assist empaths with energy protection and more! We talked about so much more than that! Afterward, we continued to chat! What a very cool afternoon and conversation. It started with my 7-Up exploding all over myContinue reading “Hear My Reiki and Empath Experience Interview With Podcast “All That is Empath””

Final Video Walking on the Beach Together, Transformation and Kundalini Energy

This is our final walk on the beach together in my video series! Don’t miss this one! We will be standing in our power, receiving some energy work, breathwork, and kundalini beginnings! I wish you well in all of your new beginnings as your life pivots and changes. Please excuse my time frame for gettingContinue reading “Final Video Walking on the Beach Together, Transformation and Kundalini Energy”

Are You Curious About Kundalini Meditation? In Search of Kundalini Magic!

“Kundalini” is a Sanskrit word that means “coiled” and holds its residence in the area at the base of the spine called the root chakra.

Metaphysical Walk With Me on the Beach Video #5, Kundalini Energy Release

In this walk on the beach segment, we will be working with the power and energy of the sun to balance the first three chakras of our bodies. We will be working with the root chakra, the sacral chakra, and the solar plexus. This is beginning work today on releasing kundalini energy at the backContinue reading “Metaphysical Walk With Me on the Beach Video #5, Kundalini Energy Release”

Honoring Your Body, Breath, and Life Meditation Video/Audio

Every now and then life tends to get us down. We become tense, irritable, and even irrational. Instead of breaking apart, or even if we do, we should take the time to be grateful. Honor is a very special word when it comes to our human life. We are all a treasure. YOU are aContinue reading “Honoring Your Body, Breath, and Life Meditation Video/Audio”

Healing Power of the Rose Quartz Crystal

Join me on my website at Jenine Marie Coaching and Ministries and find out more about healing, and assisting anxiety, depression, and grief! Today’s post on my website blog is about the healing power of the rose quartz crystal for emotions and trauma. Come visit my blog at: Loving you from here, Jenine MarieContinue reading “Healing Power of the Rose Quartz Crystal”