Internal and Eternal Healing

There is no doubt, internal healing is work. It’s the most precious work any of us can do in this life. Some wounds are so deep we might not even know they exist until something comes along in the form of life experience and touches a painful part of the soul. Since our soul is eternal with God, all internal healing is also eternal. We will all carry our soul healing or wounds with us when we exit this human form.

As hard as internal healing might seem, it is necessary and important. Internal wounds will spill out into our everyday lives and relationships. Our lives can be driven through our wounds or our healing of them. The choice to heal is all our personal decision. Placing a band-aide on our internal wounds only delays or aborts the process of completed healing. Using outside influences to make things temporarily feel better will not heal anything. Outer stimulation that comes from addictions, denial, or covering by distractions will not assist in soul healing at all. The only thing accomplished by using these means is denying ourselves the blessing of healing and ascending to higher levels of understanding our existence.

Gratitude and love are powerful places to begin the process of internal healing of soul wounds. There is something about a grateful heart that turns our focus in the direction of positive reflection. Gratitude is also a companion. When gratitude spreads out into our internal and external energy field it prepares our foundation for forgiving ourselves and others. Both of the energies of gratitude and forgiveness will naturally draw us into higher love.

The more profound effect is changing our actions naturally which heals our relationship with ourselves, others, God, and our lives. Internal healing is work as I have stated but it is work that is well worth our efforts. I have not even come to the subject of the amount of physical healing that can be accomplished through soul healing.

In order to begin just start at the beginning! Decide. When a decision is made and an intention is set forth the healing work has just begun. Get real with your healing decision and be real with what you need to accomplish. There are many means for internal healing and discovery. It is amazing what can be uncovered by means of meditation, hypnosis, connecting with nature, drawing on God’s love, and the comfort of being in a relationship with yourself.

I have set forth this affirmation to get us all started. “Today, right now, I have decided to heal my soul wounds. I will be grateful for my relationship with myself. I will be grateful for loving myself enough to embark on a healing journey.”

I wish you well on your journey of healing and as always,

I am loving you from here!

Dr. Rev. Jenine Marie Howry, Ph.D.

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Published by Dr.JenineMarie

Reiki Master Healer/Instructor, Metaphysical Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Counselor, Author, and owner of Jenine Marie Coaching and Ministries LLC DBA Life Lessons by Jenine Marie, DBA Jenine Marie Hypnosis

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