Honoring Your Body, Breath, and Life Meditation Video/Audio

Every now and then life tends to get us down. We become tense, irritable, and even irrational. Instead of breaking apart, or even if we do, we should take the time to be grateful. Honor is a very special word when it comes to our human life. We are all a treasure. YOU are aContinue reading “Honoring Your Body, Breath, and Life Meditation Video/Audio”

Holy Moments of Creation: Manifestation Video

Get Some Attraction Satisfaction! Whatever you can dream of, you can create in reality. Manifesting dreams and desires is so much fun! We are powerful creators just like the God who created us! Gratitude is one of the most powerful feelings as a part of love. Before you can manifest anything, you need to beContinue reading “Holy Moments of Creation: Manifestation Video”

Meditation for Healing of Past Emotional Hurts and Anxieties (Meditation Video)

Compliments of Jenine Marie Coaching and Ministries LLC on Behalf of “Serenity” : A Place for Healing. Enjoy guided meditation set to music while letting go of past issues. Use this video over and over until you reach your desired results, and please pass it on!   Loving you from here Dr. Jenine Marie HowryContinue reading “Meditation for Healing of Past Emotional Hurts and Anxieties (Meditation Video)”