Why Don’t We Accept the Christed Power Given to Us?

In the past, I felt we all had to beg God for answers. I wondered why we would recite the same prayers repeatedly as if they had no power the first darned time? Now, in light of what I know about our God – created Universe and how it works its no wonder so manyContinue reading “Why Don’t We Accept the Christed Power Given to Us?”

Be Sure Your Actions Will Find You

The Bible tells us, “Be sure your sin will find you out”. Also stated is,” We reap what we sew.” These statements are basically personal karma. Your personal decisions and actions will eventually come back and slap you and no one is immune. When someone suffers because of your choices you will find yourself strugglingContinue reading “Be Sure Your Actions Will Find You”

What Sarcasm Really Does to YOU

I happened upon an article today on a psychology site about sarcasm or “revealing personal hostility in the guise of joking”. While this might seem to relieve the one doing it, it is not a relief for the one who has to hear it. Actually, it bites. Seriously. I suppose those who are stuck onContinue reading “What Sarcasm Really Does to YOU”

How to Manifest Through Love and Desire!!

If you are passionate about manifesting new things in your life, then this is for YOU! I am so passionate about this video teaching on how to manifest through love and desire! I want you to feel the full passion of what you desire to create in your life and for your life! If youContinue reading “How to Manifest Through Love and Desire!!”

Manifesting: Changing Your Negatives to Positives! Come Into the Presence of the Great “I AM”!

We live in a world where we are bombarded with negativity and distress. It is so easy to get caught up with focusing on what is wrong with things instead of what is right with them. Learn to manifest through changing your negatives to positives by the way you focus on them! Step into theContinue reading “Manifesting: Changing Your Negatives to Positives! Come Into the Presence of the Great “I AM”!”

Manifesting Your Life: Do You Show Up for Yourself?

Even if you NEVER watch any of my videos; watch this one! I passionately talk about some of my journey and what I allowed to define my life until I realized it was all driving me in the WRONG directions! Take some time to nurture who you are. Take some time to discover what youContinue reading “Manifesting Your Life: Do You Show Up for Yourself?”

Law of Attraction: How to Improve Your Life by Attracting Differently!

Have you ever wondered why you attract the same types of people that are hard to be around? Or maybe there are wounds inside of you that you just can’t seem to get over. Sometimes we just want life to be better but don’t know how that works or what to do. Does the LawContinue reading “Law of Attraction: How to Improve Your Life by Attracting Differently!”

Universal Law of Increase and Multiplication

What can be more gratifying than getting what you truly desire in life? God created our universe to be standard and the Universal Laws that guide it will never fail! All you need to know is how to use them, and how they faithfully operate! Watch the “powers that be” come to your assistance whenContinue reading “Universal Law of Increase and Multiplication”

Universal Law-The Law of Reciprocity and Living and Gratitude

God created our universe to be faithful! Universal law will never fail you! All you need to do is know what they are and how they work. Then work on them in your life! You can literally create anything you desire. This segment, and part of a series, is on the Universal Law of ReciprocityContinue reading “Universal Law-The Law of Reciprocity and Living and Gratitude”