Creating Your Good Karma

I’ve never seen so much confusion regarding karma these days. Let’s take a look at the highest way of living and creating the karma you DESIRE in your life. Where should your focus be? Creating good karma assists you in creating a blessed life! Many believe they are justified in taking karma into their ownContinue reading “Creating Your Good Karma”

Be Sure Your Actions Will Find You

The Bible tells us, “Be sure your sin will find you out”. Also stated is,” We reap what we sew.” These statements are basically personal karma. Your personal decisions and actions will eventually come back and slap you and no one is immune. When someone suffers because of your choices you will find yourself strugglingContinue reading “Be Sure Your Actions Will Find You”

YOU Are Not a Lemon. Don’t Allow Anyone to Squeeze the Life Out of You!

Lemons are amazing fruits. Detoxing daily with them can bring very good results for your body. Just some warm water or tea with fresh squeezed lemon can help your digestion, aid in preventing kidney stones and even help lose weight. I watched myself squeeze a lemon into a glass of warm water one day andContinue reading “YOU Are Not a Lemon. Don’t Allow Anyone to Squeeze the Life Out of You!”

The Shoe is on the Other Foot

It will happen. “The shoe will eventually end up on the other foot.” The statement, “The shoe is on the other foot,” means someone who had the disadvantage in a situation now has the advantage in some area. I don’t know why, but having a shoe on the other foot always makes me think IContinue reading “The Shoe is on the Other Foot”