Part 3 of Healing Journey as We Walk on the Beach Together for Manifestation and Release

Continue with me as we work together to clear some things from your insides that could be keeping you from manifesting your dreams. Let’s heal all of it! Keep walking with me on the beach! I will meet you there! I am loving you from here, Dr. Rev. Jenine Marie Howry

Hope is a Powerful Motivator to Fulfill Your Dreams!

If you need a strong motivator, consider hope. Hope contains the things we have faith for and desire in our lives. When we dream, we bring our hopes into imagination and design. The construction of our lives can occur within our powerful hopes and dreams. There is nothing more potent than hopeful ideas. Once ourContinue reading “Hope is a Powerful Motivator to Fulfill Your Dreams!”

Holy Moments of Creation: Manifestation Video

Get Some Attraction Satisfaction! Whatever you can dream of, you can create in reality. Manifesting dreams and desires is so much fun! We are powerful creators just like the God who created us! Gratitude is one of the most powerful feelings as a part of love. Before you can manifest anything, you need to beContinue reading “Holy Moments of Creation: Manifestation Video”

Manifesting: Changing Your Negatives to Positives! Come Into the Presence of the Great “I AM”!

We live in a world where we are bombarded with negativity and distress. It is so easy to get caught up with focusing on what is wrong with things instead of what is right with them. Learn to manifest through changing your negatives to positives by the way you focus on them! Step into theContinue reading “Manifesting: Changing Your Negatives to Positives! Come Into the Presence of the Great “I AM”!”

She Wanted Grapes, So She Built an Arbor: Manifesting Your Dreams (copyright 3/2/21 Dr. Rev. Jenine Marie Howry, Ph.D.)

“First, you need to create and plant the arbor. Creating the arbor means you will build a foundation where you will be sure to manifest your result.”

Mending Broken Glass With Dreams

Right in the middle of a difficult move, a colorful vase dropped to the floor while unpacking. It shattered into what looked like a thousand pieces. I sat down on the floor at that point and just cried my eyes out. I had lost my home in the infamous housing and lending crash of 2008.Continue reading “Mending Broken Glass With Dreams”

Here Is Your Weekly Wisdom!

It’s never too late to be all the things you ever dreamed of.  Time seems to go by so quickly and it can be very easy to think that too much time has passed to accomplish your very most precious dreams. Sometimes temporary setbacks seem to take forever to be overcome. Don’t get discouraged byContinue reading “Here Is Your Weekly Wisdom!”

We Never Realize a Dream Alone

Do you have a dream? I think everyone does. You are definitely not alone. I have one I think of every single day, but I don’t always share it with everyone. Today I wondered why that is. After all, dreams are realized among people and not alone. At least that is what I believe. MaybeContinue reading “We Never Realize a Dream Alone”

Delivering You Into Your Dreams and Destiny

We all have a purpose and a destiny designed by God. Have you been waiting on your dreams to come to pass? God created you by perfect design and has a purpose for you. There is a time and season for all things under heaven! Watch!         Pastor Jenine Marie Howry 800-421-1765Continue reading “Delivering You Into Your Dreams and Destiny”