“You Have Been the Joy of My Life”

“You have been the joy of my life.” There are no words more healing than the statement I just wrote. When my father was in his mid to late 50’s, he was diagnosed with lung cancer and given two weeks to live. He managed to stretch that into two years! Still, the harsh reality of lung cancerContinue reading ““You Have Been the Joy of My Life””

Having Good Friendships Can Extend Your Life Expectancy

There is nothing like a good old laughing session with a friend or friends. You know, the kind; where you can’t breathe, tears are coming out your eyes, and someone in the middle of it snorts. Of course, the laughing gets louder at that point! Not only is laughter great medicine, but friendships, for anyContinue reading “Having Good Friendships Can Extend Your Life Expectancy”

Life is Not a Competition!

The beauty of this life is there is something for everyone! Even when we are in the same business, work on the same projects, and believe the same things! There is plenty of work to accomplish for all of us on this earth! There are so many people across the globe that are in needContinue reading “Life is Not a Competition!”

The Ever Changing Reality of Life

If you have not figured this out by now, you will at some point; “life has an ebb and flow.” It is like a river, and rivers are always flowing, winding, changing, and moving with the changes of nature. We are nature as well. Along with being a part of this life, it is inevitableContinue reading “The Ever Changing Reality of Life”

Don’t Allow Betrayal in Your Life!

Betrayal is a violation of personal trust and moral code. It’s a harsh reality when we have realized someone has betrayed us. Actually, I find it beyond hurtful and bordering cruelty. Honestly, there is nothing that closes off my heart to someone more than to find out they have betrayed me. I think the worldContinue reading “Don’t Allow Betrayal in Your Life!”

No One Will Completely Understand Your Personal Experiences

Along life’s highway, we all go through ups and downs. Sometimes the downs are very hard; harder than most. There is never a time when others will completely understand our life experiences. We can’t expect them to, although sometimes they more than expect us to compensate for their lack of understanding. Often we just can’tContinue reading “No One Will Completely Understand Your Personal Experiences”

The World Needs Empaths

Empaths are those who feel others’ emotions and feelings at a deeper level than most. This might be displayed in flashes of experiences that most people had long forgotten. In this case, the empath is processing residue from those experiences and cutting karmic cords in those experiences. Or an empath might feel the feelings ofContinue reading “The World Needs Empaths”

How You Can Activate the Power of Gratitude Into Your Life

Gratitude is one of your ultimate power players in life. Having gratitude draws grace upon your situations, issues, and circumstances. When the Universe grabs onto your gratitude it sends back more for you to be grateful for! Would you love a nice river of graceful gratitude in your life? I know I would! When IContinue reading “How You Can Activate the Power of Gratitude Into Your Life”

Honoring Your Body, Breath, and Life Meditation Video/Audio

Every now and then life tends to get us down. We become tense, irritable, and even irrational. Instead of breaking apart, or even if we do, we should take the time to be grateful. Honor is a very special word when it comes to our human life. We are all a treasure. YOU are aContinue reading “Honoring Your Body, Breath, and Life Meditation Video/Audio”

Put Away Childish Things and Grow UP!

Kind of a throwback photo from when I first landed in south Texas. Some “food for thought.” I’ve been thinking a lot lately about life decisions. There is something about loss that causes us to re-evaluate our lives. I’ve heard once that the grief of a loss can be the most powerful time in lifeContinue reading “Put Away Childish Things and Grow UP!”