Why Don’t We Accept the Christed Power Given to Us?

In the past, I felt we all had to beg God for answers. I wondered why we would recite the same prayers repeatedly as if they had no power the first darned time? Now, in light of what I know about our God – created Universe and how it works its no wonder so manyContinue reading “Why Don’t We Accept the Christed Power Given to Us?”

Creating Your Good Karma

I’ve never seen so much confusion regarding karma these days. Let’s take a look at the highest way of living and creating the karma you DESIRE in your life. Where should your focus be? Creating good karma assists you in creating a blessed life! Many believe they are justified in taking karma into their ownContinue reading “Creating Your Good Karma”

Every Child Born is in Divine Timing

I was told, as the story goes, I was not expected to be here. I guess better words are my parents never thought they could have another child after my sister. I was supposed to be here though. Maybe I taught my parents about miracles? I’m not sure, it was their lesson. My lesson hasContinue reading “Every Child Born is in Divine Timing”

You Are Never Abandoned

  Feeling abandoned is horrible. Yet, it is only a feeling and not “Truth”. People tend to look at the idea of abandonment and believe it means that there is no one to turn to or someone human has left us. Although this is a human and valid feeling it is only a limited truth.Continue reading “You Are Never Abandoned”

I Know of a Man Who Was Named Saul

There once was a man named Saul. He seemed to be a very heartless person. You see, Saul had a spirit of self righteousness and absolutely hated Christians! We all know how the ego part of us get us in to trouble. Well, Saul had a big one of those! I have a personal theoryContinue reading “I Know of a Man Who Was Named Saul”

Characteristics of Love: Love is Not Self-Seeking

Not being self seeking can be confusing at first. On one hand we can not give of anything until we have it within ourselves. Being self assured, self giving, and providing self care are all good things. We do need to seek our healing, our inner light, and to seek out what is best inContinue reading “Characteristics of Love: Love is Not Self-Seeking”

Characteristics of Love: Love Does Not Delight in Evil but Rejoices With the Truth

If you have been following along with my blog posts lately you might have discovered my “love” series is taken from the attributes of love described in the bible in the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 13. Isn’t it nice that we have a guideline? I kind of skipped to this one because it stoodContinue reading “Characteristics of Love: Love Does Not Delight in Evil but Rejoices With the Truth”

Have You Discovered the Power of Taking Holy Moments?

This morning I sat with my tea just waking up and taking in the new day. I closed my eyes for a moment and the first thing I noticed was all of the noise that usually goes unnoticed. The heater came on, a car went by outside, birds were chirping in the trees, and thenContinue reading “Have You Discovered the Power of Taking Holy Moments?”

What is an “Old Soul”?

I hear the term “old soul” flipped around a lot lately. I think it has been an indication that I need clarification. I love clarity. It means “clear seeing”. It moves the fog away from life and allows us to see things through the eyes of truth and wisdom. I had to really consider howContinue reading “What is an “Old Soul”?”

Brother Against Brother, and So it Goes On…

If you live in this world you can not help but see or hear of some of the discord or violence experienced in it. It always seems like it’s worse than it ever has been. We hear of how violence is increasing. It might be. Or maybe violence is being enacted in a different wayContinue reading “Brother Against Brother, and So it Goes On…”