Appreciation is Important for YOU and Your Wellbeing!

No doubt this human experience is not always easy. We have certain needs, desires, and even aspirations. One of our needs is to be appreciated. Appreciation is a part of our need for acceptance. We can not operate optimally in our emotions and in life if we, or our deeds, are not appreciated. It’s beautifulContinue reading “Appreciation is Important for YOU and Your Wellbeing!”

Straight Up Communication

There is a huge reason I included the words “straight-up” in the title of this blog post. I could have used straight-forward but some of the meaning of this post loses something. Straight-up communication is speaking from a higher perspective and a higher realm of influence. This means before speaking to consider what comes fromContinue reading “Straight Up Communication”

What Lying Does to YOU: The Seen and Unseen

Why do people tell a lie? There are a few reasons that come to mind. People lie to save themselves from exposure or to get out of some sort of perceived punishment. Sometimes people lie to just lie, but that is a whole other psychopathic discussion. Often people lie to be perceived as what theyContinue reading “What Lying Does to YOU: The Seen and Unseen”

Being Your Authentic Self and Jenine’s Story About Her Journey Toward Authenticity! (videos and photos included)

We all identify ourselves in different ways because we are all uniquely fashioned. One way we often identify ourselves is through the lens of others, or by what we do, instead of who we are. Many of us do not even consider who we truly are. There is a stamp of authenticity upon you andContinue reading “Being Your Authentic Self and Jenine’s Story About Her Journey Toward Authenticity! (videos and photos included)”

Do You Have a Good Relationship With Yourself?

When we ponder relationships, we don’t often consider the relationship we have with ourselves. We do, in fact, have a self-relationship. We all get an image of our personal relationship with ourselves daily. Acknowledging our self-relationship can bring a lot of insight and healing when we choose to be honest with ourselves. Please don’t underestimateContinue reading “Do You Have a Good Relationship With Yourself?”

How We Find Peace in the Moment and Bring Out Joy

For a very long time, I was a seeker of peace. After all, peace is what I was taught to pursue. To me, having peace meant happiness. Even more profound, having peace meant going beyond happiness and into joy. I have come to realize that joy is peace expressed. When inner peace overtakes the soul,Continue reading “How We Find Peace in the Moment and Bring Out Joy”

Knowing When to Heal Internally

I’ve often discussed we are like transmitters that send out information over the spiritual airwaves. In the same respect, we are also like mirrors who show others a good look at themselves when they look at us. We can shine back at someone and show their light or respond when they lash out and showContinue reading “Knowing When to Heal Internally”

I Learned the Greatest Lesson of All…from MY Clients

If you have ever known me, or have been connected to me, you know how much I love my work.  There is nothing more amazing to me than to be trusted enough to be allowed into another person’s heart and life. I count it an honor to be held in confidence. At times it hasContinue reading “I Learned the Greatest Lesson of All…from MY Clients”

Choices We Make That Empower Us

I entitled this blog post the way it is because I was thinking about choices this morning. My meditative practice was harder than usual because I had so many things swirling around in my brain. As it settled, some interesting thoughts came to me. Even though I don’t believe anyone should live in the past,Continue reading “Choices We Make That Empower Us”